1) Full bonding & simple leveling and Strategic bonding & strategic leveling 2) Open coil springs: Purpose and usage 3) Tight cinch back bends and Loose cinch back bends 4) Various types of arch wires
1) Characteristics of palatally dispaced maxillary lateral incisors 2) Space opening for extraction and non-extraction treatment 3) When and what appliances should be used. 4) Elimination of occlusal force
1) Retrusive control and occlusion plane 2) Retrusive barrier of the first molar 3) Retrusive guidance and mandibular adaptation for the first premolar
1) Does the erupting third molar cause crowding? 2) Impaction of the third molar 3) Third molar Germectomy 4) When is the best time to extract the third molar?
1) Premolar extraction: Advantages and disadvantages 2) The developmental stage of the third molar 3) Maxillary second molar extraction: Indication, advantages and disadvantages 4) Extraction timing