9. Finishing Procedures (Part 1) 리스트 > MEAWschool.com
1. Introduction to MEAW
1. Introduction to MEAW
2. Orthodontic Data Base
2. Panorama Analysis
1. Panorama Analysis (Part 1)
3. Panorama Analysis (Part 2)
3. Cephalometric Analysis
1. Initial Evaluation of Lateral Ceph
2. Tracing Cephalograms
3. Cephalometric Landmarks (Part 1)
4. Cephalometric Landmarks (Part 2)
5. Cephalometric Planes
6. Cephalometric Angles (Part 1)
7. Cephalometric Angles (Part 2)
8. ROC Analysis in Orthodontics
9. Cephalometric Functional Analysis
10. Vertical Analysis
11. Overbite Depth Indicator (ODI)
12. Horizontal Analysis
13. Anteroposterior Dysplasia Indicator
4. Model Analysis
1. Model Fabrication
2. Model Analysis (Part 1)
3. Model Analysis (Part 2)
4. Model Analysis (Part 3)
5. Model Analysis Worksheet (Part 4)
6. Hands-on Practice (Part 5)
7. Hands-on Practice (Part 6)
8. Summary of Model Analysis
1. Causes of Malocclusion
1. Causes of Malocclusion: Introduction
2. Adaptation and Compensation
3. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 1): Environmental Origin
4. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 2): Environmental Origin
5. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 3): Dental Origin I
6. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 4): Dental Origin II
7. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 5): Dental Origin III
8. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 6): Dental Origin IV
9. Causes of Malocclusion (Part 7): Skeletal Origin
10. Discrepancy
11. Low vertical dimension
2. Skeletal Pattern Analysis
1. Vertical Analysis: ODI
2. Horizontal Analysis: APDI
3. AB-maxillomandibular Triangle
4. Exercise: ODI, APDI and CF
5. Combination Factor (CF) (Part 1)
6. Combination Factor (CF) (Part 2)
7. Skeletal Pattern Analysis (Part 1)
8. Skeletal Pattern Analysis (Part 2)
9. Revies of Landmarks for ODI, APDI, and CF
3. Occlusal Plane Analysis
1. Introduction to Occlusal Plane
2. Occlusal Plane Analysis
3. Occlusal Plane: Implication
4. Factors Affecting Occlusal Plane
5. Posterior Occlusal Plane (POP)
6. Dr. Jeong-il Kim, Presenation of Thesis
7. Occlusal Plane Change Accoding to the Appliances (Part 1)
8. Management of Occlusal Plane (Part 2)
9. Management of Occlusal Plane (Part 3): Dr. Schudy, Dr. Young H. Kim, and Dr. Sadao Sato
10. Classification According to Occlusal Plane
11. Management of Occlusal Plane (Part 4): Treatment Direction
12. Occlusal Fence Theory
13. Individualized Orthodontic Treatment (Part 1)
4. Orthodontic Differential Diagnosis
1. Orthodontic Differential Diagnosis (Part 1)
2. Orthodontic Treatment Goals
3. Six keys to Normal Occlusion
4. Orthodontic Differential Diagnosis (Part 2)
5. Orthodontic Differential Diagnosis (Part 3): Space Gaining Methods
6. Space Gaining Methods
7. Diagnostic Thinking Process for Non-extraction Treatment
8. Extraction Index
9. Orthodontic Differential Diagnosis (Part 4): Extraction Treatment
10. PEG (Premolar Extraction Guideline) Index
11. Malocclusion Treatment According to POP
12. Problem List (Part 1)
13. Problem List (Part 2)
14. Differential Diagnosis for Class II
15. Differential Diagnosis for Class III
5. Non-extraction Treatment (Part 1)
1. Strategic Leveling and Alignment (Part 1): Utilization of Open Coil Springs
2. Strategic Leveling and Lignment (Part 2): Strategic Bonding
3. Strategic Leveling and Alignment (Part 3): Diagrams
4. Decrowding in Non-extraction Treatment (Part 1): Space Openinig
5. Decrowding in Non-extraction Treatment (Part 2): Tooth Alignment
6. Palatal Displacement of Upper Lateral Incisors (Part 1)
7. Palatal Displacement of Upper Lateral Incisors (Part 2)
8. Torque Control Archwire: Fabrication
9. Rotation Control (Part 1): Anterior teeth
10. Rotation Control (Part 2): Posterior teeth
11. Retrusive Control (Part 1): Introduction
12. Retrusive Control (Part 2): Non-extraction Treatment
13. Second and Third Molars: Neglected Aspects in Orthodontics
14. Third Molars and Orthodontic Diagnosis
15. Third Molar Extraction: Case 1
16. Reproximation
17. Reproximation: Case 1
18. Second Molar Extraction (Part 1)
19. Second Molar Extraction (Part 2)
20. Second Molar Extraction: Case 1
6. Non-extraction Treatment (Part 2)
1. Arch Length Preservation: TPA (Part 1)
2. Transpalatal Arch (Part 2)
3. Arch Length Preservation: Lingual Arch (Part 1)
4. Lingual Arch (Part 2)
5. Elimination of Occlusal Force (Part 1): Non-extraction
6. Expansion Appliances (Part 1): Introduction
7. Expansion Appliances (Part 2): Expansion Appliances
8. Expansion Appliances (Part 3): Advantages and Disadvantages
9. Expansion Appliances (Part 4): Case 1
10. Twin Block Appliances (Part 1): Introduction
11. Twin Block Appliances (Part 2): Fixed Appliance after Twin Block Appliance
12. Twin Block Appliances (Part 3): Case 1
13. Headgear (Part 1): Introduction
14. Headgear (Part 2): Fabrication and Adjustment
15. Double Archwires (DAW) (Part 1): Introduction
16. Double Archwires (DAW) (Part 2): Fabrication and Adjustment
17. Double Archwires (DAW) (Part 3): Case 1
18. Mini Screws: Case 1
7. Premolar Extraction Treatment
1. Space Closing Methods in MEAW (Part 1)
2. Space Closing Methods in MEAW (Part 2)
3. Anchorage (Part 1)
4. Anchorage (Part 2)
5. Elimination of Occlusal Force (Part 2): Extraction
6. Retrusive Control (Part 3): Extraction Treatment
7. PEG (Premolar Extraction Guideline) Index
8. Guidelines for Premolar Extraction
9. Strategic Bonding for Extraction Treatment
10. U44, L44 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
11. U44, L55 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
12. Bracket Positioning for U44, L55 Extraction Treatment
13. U55, L55 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
14. Only U44 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
15. Only U55 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
16. Malocclusion Treatment According to POP
17. Noraml UOP and Normal POP: Extraction Treatment
18. Noraml UOP and Steep POP: Extraction Treatment
19. Steep UOP and Steep POP: Extraction Treatment
20. Asymmetric Premolar Extraction Treatment
8. Unusual Extraction Treatment
1. Unusual Extraction Treatment (Part 1)
2. Unusual Extraction Treatment (Part 2
3. Lower Incisor Extraction Treatment: Case 1
4. U2 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
5. U1 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
6. U3 Extraction Treatment: Case 1
7. First Molar Extraction Treatment: Case 1
9. Finishing Procedures (Part 1)
1. How to Finish the Malocclusion
2. The Vertical and the Horizontal Components of the Loops
3. Load-Deflection Rate (LDR) in MEAW
4. Orthodontic Normal Occlusion
5. 1st-. 2nd-, and 3rd- Order Bends in MEAW
6. Three Dimensional Control in MEAW
7. MEAW Prescription
8. MEAW vs. NiTi
9. MEAW Fabrication (Part 1): Lower MEAW
10. MEAW Fabrication (Part 2): Upper MEAW
11. MEAW Fabrication (Part 3): MEAW for the Extraction Cases
12. MEAW Fabrication (Part 3): MEAW Adjustment after MEAW Fabrication/a>
13. Torque in MEAW
14. MEAW in SWA
15. Reverse MEAW
10. Finishing Procedures (Part 2)
1. Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 1): Anterior Vertical Elastics (AVE)
2. Orthodontic Elastics
3. Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 2): Class II Elastics
4. Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 3): Class III Elastics
5. Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 4): Midline Elastics
6. Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 5): After Extraction Treatment
7. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 1): Non-extraction Teatment, Open bite
8. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 2): Non-extraction Teatment, Class III
9. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 3): Non-extraction Teatment, Class II
10. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 4): U44, L44 Extraction Treatment
11. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 5): U44, L55 Extraction Treatment
12. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 6): U55, L55 Extraction Treatment
13. Practical Tooth Movement in MEAW (Part 7): Only U44 or U55 Extraction Treatment
14. Retrusive Control (Part 5): Finishing
15. Finishing: Sequence of Elastic Use
16. Expansion Archwires
11. Retrusive Control
1. Retrusive Control (Part 1): Introduction
2. Retrusive Control (Part 2): Non-extraction Treatment
3. Retrusive Control (Part 3): Extraction Treatment
4. Retrusive Control (Part 4): Composite Resin Bonding
5. Retrusive Control (Part 5): Finishing
12. Retention Phase Treatment
1. Retention Phase Treatment
2. When to Debond!
3. ABO Objective Grading System
4. Retention after Crowding Treatment
5. Retention after Space Treatment
6. Retention after Class II Treatment
7. Retention after Class III Treatment
8. Retention after deep bite Treatment
9. Retention after open bite Treatment
10. Retention after Posterior Cross-bite Treatment
11. Root Resorption (Part 1)
12. Root Resorption (Part 2)
13. Decalcification
1. Open Bite Malocclusion
2. Class III Malocclusion
3. Midline Deviation Malocclusion
4. Class II Malocclusion
5. Deep Bite Malocclusion
6. Class I Malocclusion
1. Adult Malocclusion
2. Impacted Teeth
3. Congenital Missing Teeth
4. Orthodontic Treatment with TMD
5. Bruxism, TMJ and Occlusion
6. Clinical Application of Mini Screws
7. Surgically-combined Orthodontic Treatment
1. Basic L-loop Wire Bending
1. L-loop Wire Bending Exercise
2. MEAW Wire Bending
1. MEAW Adjustment: Tip-back Bend
2. Lower MEAW
3. Upper MEAW
3. Reverse MEAW Wire Bending
1. Reverse MEAW
4. Double Arch Wires (DAW) Bending
1. DAW (Double Arch Wires)
5. Space Closing Arch Wire
1. Contraction Loop
2. Ideal Arch with Hook
3. Combination Loop
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접속 4
1. How to Finish the Malocclusion
1) Exptected tooth movement during finishing stage
2) 3-dimensional tooth movement during finishing
3) Tooth movement in the dentition
2. The Vertical and the Horizontal Components of the Loops
1) Basic L-loop
2) Open loop vs closed loop
3) Vertical tooth movement
4) Horizontal tooth movement
5) Midline deviation treatment
3. Load-Deflection Rate (LDR) in MEAW
1) LDR: low vs high
2) Five major parameters for varying LDR
3) LDR in MEAW
4. Orthodontic Normal Occlusion
1) Orthodontic normal occlusion and normal occlusion
2) Orthodontic normal occlusion
5. 1st-. 2nd-, and 3rd- Order Bends in MEAW
1) First-order bends
2) Second-order bends
3) Third-order bends
4) Orthodontic force system
6. Three Dimensional Control in MEAW
1) First-order bends in finishing
2) Second-order bends in finishing
3) Third-order bends in finishing
7. MEAW Prescription
1) MEAW prescription to lab
2) Requsite of MEAW prescription: Ceph., panorama and model
3) Checkpoints in MEAW prescription
8. MEAW vs. NiTi
1) LDR
2) Rotation center
3) Transverse movement
4) Advantages of MEAW
9. MEAW Fabrication (Part 1): Lower MEAW
1) Anterior torque: crown lingual torque
2) Marking and loop position
3) Lower MEAW fabrication
10. MEAW Fabrication (Part 2): Upper MEAW
1) Anterior torque: crown labial torque
2) Canine guidance
3) Marking and loop position
4) Upper MEAW fabrication
11. MEAW Fabrication (Part 3): MEAW for the Extraction Cases
1) Upper anterior torque in MEAW fabrication
2) Loop position: existing extraction space
3) Crown lingual inclination in the posterior teeth
12. MEAW Fabrication (Part 3): MEAW Adjustment after MEAW Fabrication
1) Sequnces of MEAW adjustments
2) First-order bends control in MEAW
3) Third-order bends control in MEAW
4) Second-order bends control in MEAW
13. Torque in MEAW
1) Upper anterior torque in upper MEAW
2) Upper posterior torque in upper MEAW
3) Lower anterior torque in lower MEAW
4) Lower posterior torque in lower MEAW
5) Check and measuring torque
14. MEAW in SWA
1) Use of MEAW in SWA
2) MEAW adjustment in SWA
15. Reverse MEAW
1) Ordinary MEAW vs reverse MEAW
2) Indications of reverse MEAW
3) Fabrication of reverse MEAW